Hennessy Research Associates specializes in the research, development, and manufacturing of vaccines for infectious diseases of animals. As a part of this specialization, Hennessy Research Associates scientists are skilled in biological manufacturing processes, in vitro test development, lab animal and host animal challenge model development, and USDA ELISA Reference Requalification methods. These scientists work closely with client company scientists, technicians, and regulatory personnel to bring an optimized production process to the client’s manufacturing site. Manufacturing can also be done at Hennessy Research Associates with our highly skilled production and manufacturing team
Working with R & D Departments to define product concepts
Feasibility Studies
Project clarification with all company divisions (regulatory, marketing, R&D, and finance) to develop products that meet both the company and market needs
Contract manufacturing is available with Hennessy Research Associates. Please contact us for more information.
CDC patented diagnostic process and reagents for evaluation of acute and convalescent West Nile Virus infection in dogs, cats and horses. (See Tab: Order center)
For more information contact our staff toll free, inside the continental US, at 877-268-5709 or 913-268-5700
email us at info@hennessyresearch.com .